Bra(i)nsynox formula

Bra(i)nsynox formula

Bra(i)nsynox - the smart and intelligent formula

Overall, our technology is organic-based. The concept and organic compound is patent-pending. Bra(i)nsynox is created from special bio-hydrated lime by a unique, patented bio-hydration process when we add special components, Ensynox enzyme and emulsion increasing and optimizing the remediation ability. During the procedure of making the hydrophobic powder encloses the active ingredients and oxygen, takes them onto the bottom of the water, but the powder stays dry. It called SATHEBRA (Selectively-Absorbent-Temporarily-Hydrophobic-Enzymatic-BioRemediationAgent. Because our formula is temporary hydrophobic (our formula is the only one on Earth), after it is losing its hydrophobic status, releasing its components, healing the aquatic environment, neutralizing acids, creating healthy PH-balance, eliminating toxins, bacteria, feeding the plant-like microorganisms. It is like a time capsule based on how the timing was adjusted by us.

Biodegradation Decontamination

The special bio-hydrated lime and its emulsion components with Ensynox created BRA(i)nsynox that is the perfect bio-remediation formula of our acidic world.

How creates our technology balance in the Ocean?

Our technology provide solution for several problems in the ocean. It is scientifically proven, “the ocean acidification could easily have been the trigger for mass extinction in the marine realm” The last mass extinction wiped out 75% of the marine aninmals and plants. Bra(i)nsynox add the necessary calcium to the water and it is also proved, the calcium has key role in photosyntesyzing process when the ocean transforms the CO2 into O2 through phytoplankton, coral reef and other photosynthesizing organisms. Additionally, our technology support a solution to the depleted level of oxygen into the water.

What we offer is:

  1. A Hybrid product Licensed and protected, that is a Bio-Remediation Agent in a Whole.
  2. Technology that is patented to produce and perfect, IP secured.
  3. Technology that is protected to deliver to targeted locations in water and on land to improve the water and soil conditions for the plants to heal and grow.
  4. Technology that is licensed and protected to revitalize land from DDT, PCB, pesticides, PFAS, and similar chemical pollution, harmful substances to make the soil fertile and significantly reduce poisons.
  5. We are offering Licensing, technology transfer of all of the above Technology to produce and Technology to use and perfect.

What does the name mean?

It is a smart product, BRA means Bio Remediation Agent, (i) means it is an intelligent formula, we can setup and change the time when the material relases its bio-remediation agent by varying the composition of the formula. Using this technology we can prevent the active ingredients from early dissolution and we can apply this solution on the bottom of the ocean or waters. Acidic environments are not suitable to support any form of life, therefore we apply our invention, the calcium-rich powdery substance to balance the PH level. The PH level that supports life in the ocean and marine environments is around 8.10-8,20 PH. The “normal” PH in the ocean is slightly alkaline in terrestrial relation, because of the salt-content. The key process that takes place in water and on the land is photosynthesis to convert CO2 to O2. In this process the Chlorophyll (C55H72O5N4Mg) is essential to allow the plants to absorb energy from light. The plants can photosynthesize only if the PH level is balanced and they also have Enzymes to conduct the appropriate chemical reactions to output the final product of Oxygen. It is not enough to balance the PH level, it is Vital to replenish the Enzymes as well.

Most solutions were much too expensive to apply and make a difference. In lakes, it is feasible to apply alkaline to balance the PH level. In the ocean’s scale that is most likely impossible on the surface. It needs special technology and method. This is our IP.As we know the petroleum dropped to the bottom of the ocean in 2010 at Deepwater Horizon after the oil spill on the surface of the ocean was treated with 
Corexit. That is our project now to be started with the testings in in 2020, to clean up and bioremediate the ocean floor and the aquatic environment from the bottom to the top in the The Poseidon-Project. In most instances, the hydrated lime cannot reach the bottom to neutralize the oil because it will dissolve in the water at the top level, therefore it has no effect at the bottom level. But we apply our solution on the bottom of the ocean, not on the surface and target the source with our special technology. Our solution is temporary hydrophobic and release the ingredients just on the bottom.

We introduce a solution to all these problems with our Hybrid product of Ensynox Enzyme (derived from Earthworms) and the carrier, such as in human medications, a dry hydrophobic Alkaline powder that is capable of delivering the Enzyme to the affected areas by targeted delivery. Our Time Bombs are capable of reaching the greatest depths of the ocean without being dissolved and at the bottom we are capable of neutralizing the still existing oil layer and sediment while also breaking it down to food for the plant like microorganisms.

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